Check this out

You may sample ALL of my recorded music via facebook at

By the way, I just put up a new composition, well, it’s really old just redone by me. It is the theme of the Magic Flute by Mozart that I have put my own twist to.  click highlight below

magic flute

And you can also check it out at or and there you can simple click and your a fan!  You can also listen to ‘Adios a Carlos” and ‘Rosita’  at the same site, so enjoy everyone!

Gil Piger

Music clarification

 A Guitar Music Clarification




In my thirty some years of teaching and performing I have encountered a

plethora of guitar related misinformation.  Segovia himself was responsible for much of this misinformation.  He would edit pieces and then turn then over for print sometimes with wrong notes, added or missing, as well as fingerings.  He would do this so he could say, “he was the only one who played it correctly”.   An example of this is in “Pieces caracteristiques” [character pieces] by Torroba.  When Segovia recorded these pieces he added and deleted what should or shouldn’t be there.  Prime example of this is the 3rd of this set of 6 pieces.  In the published version G.A. 133, the 3rd piece is printed as “melodia” a slow tremolo piece.

This piece doesn’t even belong to this set, whereas the ‘old man’ as we used to call him, plays instead “Cancion” which is in actually “Burgalesa” G.A. 113.   However “Burgalesa” is published in the key of F#, whereas  “Cancion” is in the key of E.




Here is the correct version in the key of E.




If anyone wishes the complete piece or more information on this whole set, then you will have to take a lesson from me.










I am getting airplay all around the world

Yes it is true, I am getting airplay all around the world.  Go to or and type in my name – Gil Piger.  You will see I have  2 things playing now, one from the past ‘Rosita’ from my album ‘Jazzy Flamenco’


And ‘Adios a Carlos’ from my newest release ‘Flamenco Influences’.



Of course all my CD’s are available from  Check them out, listen and enjoy.

Gil Piger